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Includes any additional summary information, provided by the source agency, about how the data is collected, systems used, or business processes surrounding the data collection. Definition of Family and Domestic Violence An explanation of each data source Family and Domestic Violence definition is provided. This may be based on state or territory legislation; an operational definition, such as criteria for service provision eligibility; or not formally defined at all. In the latter case, whilst Family and Domestic Violence may not be formally defined by the data custodian or agency responsible for collecting the data, some definitional boundaries can be inferred by the way in which the collection's target population and coverage are defined (e.g. helpline clients' own understandings of Family and Domestic Violence would likely be influenced by information provided by the agency responsible for the helpline in its brochures, website and other advertising material.) Relationships to Defining the Data Challenge for Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence, 2013 (cat. no. 4529.0) Each Directory entry provides a summary table of the relationship to the six elements outlined in Defining the Data Challenge for Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence, 2013 (cat. no. 4529.0) by categorising the level of data coverage for the described element and sub-element. This is a subjective assessment made by the ABS that overlays areas of the conceptual framework with the nature and breadth of information collected in the data source. It is not an indication of data quality and does not represent ABS endorsement of a data collection, but rather an aid to assist readers to quickly assess relevancy to their data needs. Family and Domestic Violence related content (data items collected) Additional tables in the Directory entry provide a detailed analysis of the availability of specified data elements in the data source. The data elements have been conceptually grouped to indicate the broad concept to which the element belongs; Context, Person, Incident/Event and Transaction. Tables absent from the entry have no relevant data elements present in the data source. Collection methodology Provides further details, where available, about how information is collected, recorded, stored and amended, including who enters the information and if information is transferred from other systems or collections. Where data custodians have noted concerns about data comparability or other limitations on data use, this information has been included here. Readers can use this information to make an initial assessment of data quality and any limitations of the data in the context of their intended use for it.Scope/target population This section describes the intended population, or scope, of a collection. The target population is the group of units about which information is wanted, or in other words, the population that the survey is aimed at. These units of interest can refer to people, households, schools, or organisations such as hospitals. In the case of Family and Domestic Violence statistics, the most commonly used unit is the person. For administrative by-product collections, the target population is usually defined by the program or service's intended client base. Coverage This section describes any known exclusions from the survey population. For survey collections, there is likely to be a difference between the intended population and the population actually able to be included in the survey. The survey population is also called coverage, that is, the population the survey actually covers. Ideally the survey population should correspond exactly with the target population, however, the two populations may not match, so the conclusions based on survey data only apply to the survey population. Some units of interest in the intended population may be excluded from the survey for practical reasons, such as a remote geographic location, or age restrictions, whilst others may not be possible to contact, such as where units are missing from the list (frame) used to source survey participants. Data availability / Dissemination Provides an indication of the range and nature of publicly available data derived from this source. This may include data in published form only, whether customised data are available upon request, with or without cost, and any release criteria associated with obtaining data. A small number of entries have advised that they only produce internal reports, reports to Government or on targeted release to participating /source agencies. Whilst the main aim of this Directory is to improve awareness of publicly available data sources, these have been included as the source agency can provide useful information about their methodology, experiences and systems to assist other organisations/individuals to develop similar collections. Collection history Includes the time period covered by the dataset, including when the collection commenced and the period(s) for which past data are available, if applicable. Any limitations to the comparability of collections over time, in particular a break in series, are also described. Note that more information about comparability is generally available in the most recent publication for a collection. Publications Contains links to publications produced from this data source, including major publications, papers, analytical reports and annual reports. Also specifies if data have not been published from this data source. Other directory data sources held by this agency Provides electronic links to entries for other data sources containing Family and Domestic Violence related information held by the same organisation.Previous Page | Next Page Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.